Friday, May 14, 2010

Chanticleer Wins the Chorus America Education Outreach Award

Congratulations to Chanticleer for winning Chorus America's "Chorus America Education Outreach Award."

Each year, Chorus America's member organizations submit nominations for outstanding programming in education outreach. Criteria for the Education Outreach Award vary from year to year, as stipulated by Chorus America’s Education Committee, in order to highlight specific aspects of this important field. Winners receive an engraved plaque and a cash award of $2,500.

The award winner was selected by a panel of judges consisting of the Chairperson of the Chorus America Programs & Education Committee or his/her appointed delegate, a member of the Chorus America Programs & Education Committee, and a member-at-large of Chorus America who is neither a board member nor affiliated with a chorus under consideration for the award. At least one member of the panel is a professional educator.

So congratulations to Chanticleer for winning this wonderful, and prestigious award!

Also, we would like to note that Chorus America's "Louis Botto Award for Innovative Action and Entrepreneurial Zeal" was created in memory of Louis Botto for his artistry, selfless service to the choral art, and entrepreneurial spirit in founding the men's vocal ensemble Chanticleer and bringing it to national prominence as the first professional choral ensemble in the U.S., outside the military, consistently to offer full-time employment to its singers. The award is given periodically to an individual who through his or her work with a member ensemble of Chorus America has demonstrated innovative action and entrepreneurial zeal in developing a professional or professional-core choral ensemble (in operation for at least 5 years).

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